Blue Skilled Worker CITB Test for CSCS Card

Book your Blue Skills Card Test Now for £43.70

The Blue Skilled Worker card is valid for five years and for those who have achieved a construction related NVQ/SVQ level 2 or SVQ at SCQF level 5 or completed an apprenticeship, such as an Employer sponsored apprenticeship, a City and Guilds Craft Certificate (CGLI) or a CSCS-recognised Apprenticeship.

If you do not have these qualifications, but you are experienced in your job and have registered for a qualification applicable to your occupation, you may apply for an Experienced Worker Card.

All applicants must have passed the CITB Health, Safety and Environment test within the last two years, at the relevant level for the occupation being applied for. To find out which level of test is required please use our Card Finder.

If you want your Blue Skilled Card Test you can book it below:

Further information

Industry Accreditation (IA)

All Industry Accreditation (IA) cards issued from 1st Jan 2020 will expire on 31st Dec 2024 and cannot be renewed using IA. For further information and details on the support available to IA cardholders, visit

City and Guilds Qualifications

Those applying for a card with a City and Guilds qualification (issued from 1st April 2013 onwards) will need to submit their City and Guilds e-certificate, which is a City and Guilds certificate that must contain the certificate authentication code, as part of their application.

Overseas qualifications

Those with construction related qualifications awarded outside of the UK, not currently recognised by CSCS, should contact Ecctis to apply for an Industry Skills Statement.

Occupations not covered by CSCS

Certain occupations are not covered by CSCS and are instead covered by members of the CSCS Alliance – the 38 card schemes that display the CSCS logo.